cmiVFX - Fusion Sky Replacements

cmiVFX - Fusion Sky Replacements
cmiVFX - Fusion Sky Replacements | project files | .mov | 5.39Gb

This new Fusion Sky Replacements video is 3 hours long and in High Definition. We also include a heap of high definition footage for you to work with, right on the video!This video was created by the demand of our customer base. You wanted to know.. so we delivered. Plain and simple. The task at hand is not as easy as one might think. Delivering several INTERSTING projects in HIGH DEF, and including all the content in HIGH DEF, on ONE SINGLE video, is a major task. We took the chance anyway despite the odds of potential failure and succeeded as planned. We know you will love it. The beautiful thing about the content of this video is that it applies to just about anyone. From graphic designers to very high end film visual effects artists, we have included innovative techniques on achieving the goals of the project at hand. We show you the shortcuts, the right tools for the job, and fastest, easiest way to get your vision to the big screen. As you can see below, we take found images and turn them into dynamic animations using a variety of techniques. Not to mention we do all of these projects in REAL TIME!

Desert Crater
This project shows the viewer how to take a static image with little information and turn it into a complete animated matte painting in just a few short minutes. Topics cover: Sky removal, 3d fluid cloud dynamics, color correction and extreme contrast alterations in order to create city lights during a night scene that never existed! Add all of these items together and some quick frame based keys and get a good looking result that will be sure to intrigue your directors. Be sure to watch the sample movie below. - Keywords: Eyeon Fusion, Fusion 5.3, cmiVFX, Fusion Generation
The Desolate Iceberg
Sometimes in life we shoot a location that isn't quite what we need. However, with the power of modern technology we have the option to sculpt the landscape into what we want. This project is a fine example of taking and interesting location to a higher level. We started with a still from an Antarctic iceberg plain, and added a sky replacement, 3d rendered volumetric clouds, fluid dynamic water and particle based mist effects. View the sample movie to see more of this projects details. What isn't shown here is the additional branch of the project showing a snowy land mass instead of an icy ocean environment. Both scenes are on the video.

Erupting Volcano
Pictures speak louder than words, and in this case the proverb is true. Take a still photo of this volcano, and add a little CG magic to create a brilliant background plate for the most demanding film or tv projects. We use maya and cinema 4d particles to create dynamic clouds, billowing smoke and major fireballs. We put it all together in the Fusion user interface, and achieve great results in a considerably short amount of time. Be sure to watch the sample movie below.
Blue Sky Against Trees: This last project was designed to show keying techniques in sky removals. Learn how to use the Keyer to removal tonal values in the sky to create a matte for your footage. Learn about saturation and luminance in sky based shadows, and change the temperature, time of day and season of the final shot.

Bonus Chapter Preview
Learn how to take 3D render data from a variety of animation platorms and use it in a post lighting type of effect. References the Rich Pixel Format. (Using 3d apps to create post 3d effects) Relighting 2D passes with vector data is becoming very popular in the VFX industry. We supply you with some samples to work with in regards to this technique.

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