PHOTOSHOP - Top Secret DVD-1

PHOTOSHOP - Top Secret DVD-1
7 Course Hours | Size: 3.78 GB | 7 Parts

Movie Postrer I
01. Introduction
02. Getting Started
03. Replacing A Boring SKY
04. Creating The Poster Collage
05. Addigng Type

Time: 38 Minutes
Instructor: Mark Monciardini
Description: Create a popular people montage seen on many movie posters

Movie Poster II
01. Overview
02. Starting The Poster
03. The Mysterious House
04. Lighting Up The Windows
05. Creating The Light Beams
06. Adding More Imagens
07. Adding Type To The Poster

Time: 46 Minutes
Instructor: Mark Monciardini
Description: Take an ordinary house and turn it into a Sci-fi Movie Poster

Movie Credits
01. Different Credit Blocks
02. Creating Your Own Block
03. Where To Buy Fonts
04. Creating More Blocks
05. Credite Blocks Without Buying New Fonts
06. Where To Get Inspiration
07. Ultra Condensed Credit Block

Time: 28 Minutes
Instructor: Mark Monciardini
Description: Tips and tricks on creating a real "Credit Block" for movie Poster

Dark Faces
01. Introduction
02. How It Was Created

Time: 15 Minutes
Instructor: Mark Monciardini
Description: How I created my creepy Image that has been in Magazines and Ads.

Breaking Apart
01. Intro And Walkthrough
02. Preparing The Image
03. Start Details And Textures
04. Applying Textures
05. Forming Textures To The Face
06. Finalizing The Project

Time: 27 Minutes
Instructor: Mark Monciardini
Description: Create The illusion that a face is falling apart

Dream Scene Montage
01. Get Started
02. Straighten crooked Photos
03. Making Images Work Together
04. Adding Smoke
05. Combining More Images
06. Making An Elephant With Wings
07. Creating Drama With Fog
08. Mark's Color Overlay Effects
09. Adding Details

Time: 40 Minutes
Instructor: Mark Monciardini
Description: Create an elephant with wings and place it into a futuristic world

Stone Portrait
01. Get Started
02. Covering Eyes
03. Evening Tones
04. Apply Textures
05. Adding Details
06. Stone Dust
07. Creating Drama

Time: 1 Hour
Instructor: Mark Monciardini
Description: Create a "Stone Bust" out of a portrait for a portrait for a Killer special effect.

Surreal Mist
01. Getting Started
02. Starting Mist Effect
03. Zoom Blur Effecr
04. Masking Blur Effects
05. Creating Mist Streams
06. Extra Tips

Time: 34 Minutes
Instructor: Mark Monciardini
Description: Create a creamy foggy mist over water and rocks.

Dream Skin
01. Walkthrough
02. Applying Skin Texture
03. Masking Hair From Skin
04. Colorizing Skin
05. Applying The Henna
06. Turning Henna Into Metal
07. Mark's Rusty Skin Texture
08. Applying Texture to Henna

Time: 47 Minutes
Instructor: Mark Monciardini
Description: Create a fantasy woman with henna art and dream skin.

Special Effects
01. Getting Started
02. Painting A Blue ORB
03. Partial Effects
04. Painting Green ORBS
05. Creating Fireballs
06. Create A Scene
07. Painting Reflections
08. Eye Reflections
09. Applying Photo Filter

Time: 45 Minutes
Instructor: Mark Monciardini
Description: Learn how to create orbs, fireballs and jellyfish like creatures.

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