Another Surprise

Am really happy to see the view counts to my blog keeps on increasing every hour. I personally thank you all for giving me a major support towards my action.

Blogger gives me more advanced features to make my website/blog to be visually attractive with lotsa Gadgets and templates.

I had attached some of them in my blog. And so you may feel slight confusion over how to download your tutorial. You can just navigate to "How to download" title and can start your downloads.

I request you all to give some active participation by signing with your google account and give this blog more attractive look.

At this time i also want to give you all a surprise news about tutorials.

If you find any tutorials to be more attractive(from any websites) and due to impatience if you couldn't watch the tutorial fully, then you can always contact me via this post. So that i ll give you the download link to that tutorial from the webserver you give me.

You can find this post anytime under the "Request Tutorials" label.

It can be any video tutorial that you wish to download. Any VFX or 3D tutorials. Hope you peoples will be happy about that.

You can also feel free to ask me about the newer products from Redgiant too.

When my site reaches the Direct Trafficking of 1000, i ll offer you all with the requested Videohive AfterEffects Templates download Links.

If you want a videohive project which was sold just yesterday, i ll give share that to you peoples within 1 week time.

But note that i will keep up the promise only i get the direct traffic of 1000.

I added this site at google analytics 3 days back and i found only a direct traffic of just 58. Bit worried about that.

Its all in your hands to promote this site as much as you can so that you will receive more from sophisticated options from me.

I would also like to announce a new offer to you peoples. Who the one gives a valuable comment of more than 50 will get 1 Videohive and 1 Revostock Templates for free with Download Link.

That person will receive it personally to his mail address. So what are you waiting for? Start your business. Enjoy your tutorials and Enjoy your Future upcoming Templates. (Only for persons who is commenting).

Thanks for your support.

Long live Videocopilot and CreativeCow.

Thanks for reading this post with patience.


3 Respones to "Another Surprise"

Vinayvista said...

Hi friend i m also Big fan Of andrew kramer

Can u upload Template Monster AFTER EFFECT Tempolate



June 20, 2011 at 1:59 AM
Anonymous said...

vinay... could you pls be clear... which template do u exactly want?

June 24, 2011 at 10:35 AM
Anonymous said...

the address you gave says 404 not found...

June 24, 2011 at 10:37 AM

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